Eight Fun SwiftUI Details in my Practice Planner

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For the last few months, I’ve been cracking away at a massive feature for Elite Hoops, a practice planner. At midnight a few days ago, I stealth shipped it to the App Store. While I have a mountain of marketing to go through still (social media assets, blog posts, email, you know the dance) I figured if it’s already approved, might as well ship it.
The feature turned out great, and while I try to pour love into everything I make, sometimes there’s just that thing where you step back and say, “Huh. I really kinda love this.” And that’s how this went for me.
From all of these scattered thoughts…

…I arrived here:

Here are eight little SwiftUI nuggets from the feature that I think turned out to be something worth sharing.
Photo slider
Directly inspired by Photos’ implementation. The clipping of the text was tricky to figure out at first, but animating the pill using .matchedGeometryEffect
made the rest trivial:

Gradient header
Initially, the practice details screen was a little stale. Since each drill category has a color associated to it, I decided to incorporate a subtle MeshGradient
at the top. The colors being derived from each category added a little pop (the extended font width also works great here, emphasizing the competitive nature of the feature):

Story pills
When running a practice from your phone, you cycle through drills which each have a time associated to them. I ended up using an interface inspired by workout apps paired with Instagram’s now famous “story pills” at the top, which fill up as the drill progresses. Here, I manually skipped the drill to demonstrate how it works:

Shortcuts sheet
Creating a practice has a near identical structure as Shortcuts, where actions are drills and the practice itself is an aggregation of them. As such, the retractable drawer made sense to replicate, and save for a few differences (primarily, the sheet doesn’t dismiss when you add a drill) it works much the same way:

From a technical aspect, printing was a difficult problem to solve. It involved a mix of ImageRenderer
, .pdf generation and measuring the height of each element to support pagination. It was time well spent, as I quickly discovered a vocal minority of coaches who had no interest in running a practice from their phone1 due to a variety of reasons - they want it printed out:

Interpolation countdown
When starting a practice, I quickly noticed it was too jarring to have it begin immediately after the view was presented. To ease coaches in, or let them cancel it, I added a quick countdown experience. An increasingly firm haptic matches each digit to convey a sense of urgency:

Blur out for finished practice
Finishing a practice is an accomplishment, akin to finishing a workout or a run. As such, I wanted a quick interaction that created that sort of “atta boy” vibe. I ended up reusing much of the countdown view’s code above to make a little wrap up view:

Symbol animation for buttons
Finally, incorporating symbol animations feels so incredibly right to me. There are a few of them which occur in the buttons near the bottom of a practice:

Wrapping Up
The practice planner is something I’m proud to put my name on. It’s one of the first truly innovative things I’ve made — as planning basketball practices has traditionally been somewhat of a dross affair. It hasn’t really changed much or rethought in terms of, “With all we have available to us today, how could we make all of this easier, better and help coaches more?”
Perhaps more importantly, we live in an age where inspiration strikes all the time across social media, with talented trainers constantly posting incredibly useful drills. There hasn’t been an ideal place to save them all, and information becomes scattered. The drill library aims to solve that, too. Like lego building blocks, over time — coaches will build up a drill library, and use those pieces to form their ideal practices.
Feel free to download Elite Hoops today, even if you aren’t intent on using it, if even to simply play around with the feature. Most of it isn’t paywalled, so it’s no issue to poke around. Finally, huge thanks to the developers and designers at Apple who created first-class user experiences in Photos (an app I’ve long championed) and Shortcuts. Rebuilding similar flows from both of them not only increased my appreciation for their solutions (as I hit similar user experience dilemmas, and realized how their approaches made so much sense), but they also helped me chip away at the whole feature quite quickly.
Until next time ✌️
In fact, they downright despised it. They felt as though it conveyed a sense of distraction to their players, as if they weren’t focused on them or the practice. ↩