Create a Basic Shortcut using App Intents

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Welcome to Snips! Here, you'll find a short, fully code complete sample with two parts. The first is the entire code sample which you can copy and paste right into Xcode. The second is a step by step explanation. Enjoy!
The Scenario
Use the App Intents framework to make a basic shortcut that will display whatever phrase you provide it and have the shortcut available in the Siri Shortcuts app, Spotlight and Siri.
import AppIntents
// 1
struct IntentProvider: AppShortcutsProvider {
static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] {
return [AppShortcut(intent: SayPhraseIntent(), phrases: [
"Repeat a phrase",
"Say a phrase",
"Repeat something back"
// 2
struct SayPhraseIntent: AppIntent {
// 3
static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Say a phrase."
static var description = IntentDescription("Just says whatever phrase you type in.")
// 4
@Parameter(title: "Phrase")
var phrase: String?
// 5
func perform() async throws -> some ProvidesDialog {
guard let providedPhrase = phrase else {
throw $phrase.needsValueError("What phrase do you want to say?")
return .result(dialog: IntentDialog(stringLiteral: providedPhrase))
With that, you can use this shortcut in the Shortcuts app, in Siri or Spotlight search:
The Breakdown
Step 1
Create a struct type that adopts the AppShortcutsProvider
protocol. Within it, create a property called appShortcuts
that returns any of your App Intents shortcuts within it. Ours is defined in the steps below.
This is what provides your shortcuts to the system.
Step 2
Create a struct that adopts AppIntent
- each struct that adopts this will represent a shortcut. You can include up to 10.
Step 3
At a minimum, you need to provide a title
, which is what the shortcut will show around the system for the shortcut. Here, I’ve also adopted description
which is also a part of the AppIntent
protocol. This helps people know a little bit more about what the shortcut does.
Step 4
Any property using the @Parameter(title:)
property wrapper can be used with your shortcut. Here, this is the phrase that we’ll repeat in the shortcut.
Step 5
The heart of the shortcut, perform
executes your logic to do the actual shortcut. We return a very basic result here, an opaque type of ProvidesDialog
, but there are several different types you can return to the system.
We also check that our parameter, phrase
, has been set. If it hasn’t, we throw an exception to let the system know we still need one. Then, we display it as the shortcut’s result.
Until next time ✌️